Monday, March 28, 2011

recharging back to life.

wehoooooo! no more tears on OOB. ahaha. im telling this coz saya sudah bekerja. tho its not that good but at least got something to do lah in weekdays. if not berfoya2 je. bosan sudah!. im currently working at an audit firm as an accounts assistant which is account. ahhaa. what i meant was why do accounts always relate in my life line?? since high school kut. then my dips. lagi kerja. fuhh! i never really like account much coz im not good at math (at all). i always failed my math. not that aku membuka dada sendiri just telling the truth. i still remember where this 1 interviwer said that in feng shui my birthday are good at selling. hmm.. i used to work on sales dept seems like tak je. but people say it was just a feng shui. ehehe. anyway, my first salary will be on 6th of april which is a week to go. mari berfoya2!! ;))

*we share what we care. <3

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

bersuka ria

lately ni nape tah hati ni hari2 nak enjoy je. pastu yang tak best lagi nak enjoy tapi tatau nak pegi mane. okok. me and my babe hafiza were planning nak pegi penang this march. but thing is just 2 of us only. macam tak meriah je. si shaheera tanak ikut pasal takut ade komitmen lain. *bf die la tu. ehehe. our plan is friday nite (kalau tak silap) 3rd march 2011 kitorang gerak by train or maybe bus. sampai sane sure da pagi. terus pegi town then sewa kereta. lepak2 jap dengan usop and shawal. pastu tengok gig dorang *konon bagi support la band dorang ni* sampai malam. then carik hotel check in. then esok tengahari nye siap2 balik kl. lepak kl plak. sure penat gile. phew! pape pun semangat nak ENJOY punye pasal ape pun boleh jalan. ahaha. bila tah nak insaf nye. tapi tape. gua enjoy aktiviti baik punye. beriadah sane sini. ok what? skang ni nak jinak2 main skate and roller blade. wow! sesuatu kan bile hati tu da berkate2. ahaha. pape pun aku ENJOY dengan life aku skang.

-roger and out babes! xoxo

Monday, January 10, 2011

heart attack!

Hello 2011. ;D
what to say huh! ohh. been losing my weight a bit. ahaha. suke nye hati. with all the love from mom and dad still i can survive in this cruel world. it makes me feel more responsible in doing things for example managing my credit card which is i dont have money to pay back my debts. ahaha. other than that i think im more mature than before. i mean more careful bout things, stuff or even knowing people. deep in my heart i actually dont trust man/boy. *im not a lesbo yet, ok? so no need to worry bout that. hmm... its a lie lah if i say i tade sesape. it just...hmm... 1st of all, sorry for those yang berkaitan. im just not into that lane yet. maybe coz of my past experience. but dont worry. im not blaming u guys. it just me. aku skang da semakin bodoh da nak bercinta ni. i dunno. its been a while ive been single and im so loving it. makes me more stronger than before. not just that its also makes me feel independent. *been thinking that word to came out for 5 mins. ahaha. and truthfully... and i admit that i love my life rite now. sume orang duk tanya why dont u have a boyfie till now? and i said: well, i just love being with my girls and its a bit thrilling to get to know this world without boyfie. mane tak nye. kalau dulu sumenye bf aku yang setelkan. but now... setel sendiri leee. ehehe. so this is the life that i choose now. ;)