Friday, October 29, 2010

Fullhouse on Wednesday 27 Oct 2010.

its pretty amazing when i got the chance to get out from this suburb and do something else with my gfs. tho its only a dinner but still when it comes to this kind of shitty time, yeah we realize that we DO really need to GET OUT! with all of the assignment and presentation. only god knows.
so we all decided to get our dinner at Fullhouse Kuala Lumpur. im a bit excited on that plan. ehehe. so we went to Fullhouse by renting car. aku ingat nak driving my own car but takut LEMAS! ahaha. its like 9pm+ if im not mistaken. sampai je sane aku punyelah teruja. after the waitress gave us the menu aku cepat2 to the drinks page. HAUS mehh! so i took manggo milkshake as my beverage and oyster cheese as my delight. ingat nak makan berat2 but petang tu aku da makan hot plate. so macam sikit kekenyangan. still oyster cheese tu buat aku teruja. huhu. after talking shit, eating stuff so kitorg naik upstairs to see whats new. sadly the stuff tak banyak sangat plak.l wekk! ahaha. after kitorg pegi Fullhouse si Aze and Aween nak shisha. so aku bawak dorg pegi Andalus. hmmm... the best part is after kitorg sampai Andalus, tibe2 si Wendy cakap that she saw some guy yang die kenal. kitorg datang la dekat kat mamat ni. the unexpected part is si Wendy ble WAVING kat mamat tuh and that guy just staring with his weird faces. maybe wondering why Wendy waving kat die kut. AHAHA. aku gelak gile babi coz taktik Wendy waving tuh macam nak gode. but godaan tak menjadi. ahaha. U have to be hot la Wendy. pakai baju koyak2. baru la mate2 yang pandang ni terkoyak. ahaha. then after kitorg lepak je then that guy yang Wendy waving tadi tibe2 sat down sebelah je dengon kitorg. Wendy da mengelabah malu. ahaha. elok2 sembang dengan kitorg dengan suare jantan die trus terkedu cover line terkua suare manje die. awww! awww! awww! ahaha. nampak sangat nak gode tuh. ahh! sudah lah kau! ahaha.

*time after time we realize that its been hours we all been lepaking there. so ape lagi. balik time leee... huhu. seronok having a dinner with my bitches! so here a few photos that we took at Fullhouse. ENJOY! ;)